  • Teacher will read "The Flowers" by Alice Walker to students checking for understanding as she reads.
  • Students will write a short reflection on the story using the following prompts: I was surprised when...  It doesn't make sense to me that...  After reading, I wonder...
  • Students will share reflection with neighbors, then with the entire class
  • Teacher and students will go over the 5 home work questions
  • Students will look up and discuss the word Myopic.  Students will answer how they believe it has a connection to the story.
  • Students will begin "The Flowers" symbolism project

Homework:  Finish “The Flowers” Symbolism Project

  • Students will present symbolism project
  • Students will discuss the last line of the story
  • Students will connect Myop's moment of growing up with their own

Homework:  Students will work on their independent reading projects over break.  It is due December 3rd...a week after we get back from break.


Monday 11/12

Tuesday 11/13
  • Students and teacher reviewed questions 3-6
  • Teacher and students read the rest of the selection
  • Students finished the rest of "The Garden Party" Questions
  • Small quiz at the end of class to see if students can name the Greek Allusion in the story.

Wednesday 11/14
  • Students worked in small groups and discussed "The Garden Party" Questions for the remainder of the story
  • Teacher and students went over the major themes of "The Garden Party" specifically focusing on the difference between innocence and experience
  • Homework:  Test on Friday over Elements of Fiction

Students and teacher went over  Character PowerPoint

None :)

  • Students stood up and demonstrated where they were on the Growing Up Continuum
  • Most students found that they were in the middle of the continuum, not quite adults, not quite children
  • Teachers and students discussed the difficulties of being in the middle, of their fears and excitements of growing up, and of how they view adulthood
  • Teacher and students also discussed a portion of the initiating activity questions

Homework:  Read over 160-163 WELL ;) ;)
  • Teacher was absent.
  • Students worked on Independent Reading in the Library

  • Now, in the second quarter we are starting a new theme!  Our theme this quarter is Innocence and Experience where we will be exploring the ideas of growing up and coming of age.  
  • Students completed the Second Quarter Initiating Guide
  • Teacher passed back and corrected Antigone Test as well as the Antigone Quote Response Paper.
  • Homework: None
Test tomorrow on Antigone.
  • Here is the Antigone study guide given to students on Wednesday.
  • Here is the Antigone review game that was played in class on Thursday.
  • Remember, the review game will help you through the comprehension information, but will not help you with interpretive questions and essays.  So, look over everything!